Our sweet little girl has turned 7 now. It's SO hard to believe just how fast those years have gone by. Daddy was busy doing an exercise, so he wasn't able to be there for her family party. It was the boys and myself. She opened her gifts from Mimi and Poppa Owl, Buh Buh and Aunt Becky. She had pretty much a full blown Barbie party. Mariposa Barbies, Scuba Barbie and even a Barbie sun buggy! Aunt Becky knows just how much she LOVES to read, so she got her a couple of Clementine books.

Jenna with all of her "loot"!

Castle birthday cake that she wanted me to make her. This was the practice cake.

Jenna really wanted a birthday party with her friends too. So, we had her party at the waterpark on Camp Humphreys. All had a great time, minus the 3 hour, each way, trip there and back. It's the start of Chuseok, the Korean Thanksgiving. Traffic was terrible, but we made it!

Friends at the water park. The actual cake part turned out much better the second time around. However the cone part didn't work as well since our 1 1/2 hour trip down there turned into a 3 hour trip and the icing was quite melted by that time. Everyone thought the cake was great though!