Friday, May 04, 2007

Field Trip

Today Jenna had her first "real" field trip. The other two surprise field trips were due to bomb threats. We went to a Korean school where Jenna made a heart out of oragami. Then we went to the Childrens Hall. It was a fun time, but I think all of the parents were glad to get out of there. There were MANY children, running and screaming. You know, the basic fun stuff for kids!! Below are pictures.

Sulema and Jenna with their oragami hearts.

Out front of the Childrens Hall.

A little area that had these mushrooms, butterflies, birds, etc.A Korean boat.

Jenna, Jonah and Sulema with Mickey Mouse.


Bobbie aka Mimi of 3 said...

Great pictures. It looks like Jenna had a great time!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

I loved the pictures!! I should take Sarah there this summer. I had a good time visiting with you this weekend, it made my first weekend without the hubby go by much faster. Have a great day my friend!!!