Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick or Treating

This past weekend we had our trick or treating in our housing area. We will have Spooky Hallow on Wednesday evening. The kids had a great time and got a TON...this is something I AM NOT EXAGGERATING!!, of candy. An entire big bowl and basket filled to the top! Needless to say, none of us really needs to eat that much candy and a lot of it was....not the "good" kind. We're giving that to a friend to hand out at Spooky Hallow. Jenna was Sleeping Beauty AKA Princess Aurora, Brodie was Buzz Lightyear and Creed...well, lets just say that he decided to be a typical 2 1/2 year old and NOT dress in his Woody costume. I'm hoping to convince him to do this tomorrow night. Brodie didn't want to wear the purple thing that Buzz wears on his head, so Creed wore that instead.

Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!!

Beautiful Princess Aurora.Creed with the purple hat on and well...my fat butt! YUCK!!!Jenna with her friends Raina and Avery.YUM!!! Candy!!!

1 comment:

Bobbie aka Mimi of 3 said...

Love the pictures. Would loved to have seen Creed in his Woody costume. Cut yourself some slack ...