The Friday after Thanksgiving, we DID NOT go shopping. They don't really have "Black" Friday here. In the PX and BX they do, but nothing like it is in the States. Instead of shopping we went to Lotte World in Seoul. We drove there and only made one minor error in getting there. This is GREAT on our part!!! Once we got inside the kids went crazy!! Lotte World is an indoor amusement park. It was really nice when we first arrived, not a lot of people. However, around 3 pm it started to get crowded. We knew we had a long drive back to the "Hump" and wanted to beat the HUGE traffic jam in Seoul. We had a grand time and hopefully when Mimi and Poppa Owl come to visit over Christmas, we can go again!
Bill and Creed on the carousel. Here you have to ride the horse with your child, you can't just stand there and hold on to them!

Jenna and Brodie on the jumping frog ride. The start of the Christmas parade.
Christmas parade. If you ask me...the short baker looks a little scary!!!
Santa was in the parade too, but in the US Santa is the BIG finale. Here, he was just part of the parade.

Some Korean girls that wanted their picture taken with our kids. This happens all the time here.
Papa, the kids and myself in front of one of the decorated Christmas trees around Lotte World.