Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Brodie's First day at Kiddie Kingdom

Today is Brodie's first day at his "an-yong-sae-o" school. He was very happy that he was riding a school bus, more like a bright yellow van, but hey...it's his school bus! I'm excited to hear about his first day. He was supposed to go yesterday, however he got a stomach bug. I think he was a little overwhelmed once he got on his bus. All the Korean children and bus monitor were in his face. They wanted to know his name, how old he was, etc. We should hear some very exciting stories from this little guy! I'll post pictures and how his day went later on today!

1 comment:

Bobbie aka Mimi of 3 said...

I'm really anxious to hear about is first day and to see the pictures.