Saturday, June 23, 2007

Review of Splish & Splash

I know there are many of my Daegu friends who really want a review of Splish and Splash. We've been there twice. The first time Brodie fell....from running. After that, he's decided it's better to stay safe.

At the Splish and Splash they have an Olympic size pool. It also features a pool with 2 diving boards that are high and low. 2 different slides, one open and one closed, by this I mean a tube on top of the tube you slide down. A kiddie pool that has palm trees that spray water, 2 little slides, spraying water things all over the structure. It has another little kiddie area that you walk around...NOT RUN! This has water spraying all over the place, but no pool. A playground, with no water. A VERY EXPENSIVE snack bar. They also have life vests for kids and a few noodles. Here are a few pictures to intice all of you to come visit!!
The open tube.

Kiddie area with structure and pool.Kiddie area without a pool.Playground area.We have not gone to the actual pool, just stayed in the kid area. Jenna has gone down both slides and loved it!

1 comment:

buffi said...

Looks fun! Not fun enough to make a trip to Korea for, but still...I'm glad the little ones have a place to party! At least when they can remember to listen to Mom!!