Jenna and Brodie had their first soccer game of the season yesterday. I'm really not sure what the score was, as they don't really keep scores for the younger kids. I do believe it was a tie. Who really knows! So, Bill made the most perfect analogy....when Jenna first started playing soccer, it took all we had to keep Brodie off the soccer field. Now that he can actually play soccer and is a part of the team...well, he just doesn't want to do it. He's the player that all the parents look at and smile because he's just standing there. I'm sure if our field had flowers in it, he would be the one acting like a pony, picking the flowers. He'll be part of the game when the ball comes to him, but just forget about actually RUNNING after the ball!!! Jenna is really understanding the concept of the game now. She loves to run after the ball and kicks it every chance she gets. We'll see how the next game goes. You'll notice in the pictures how the Koreans spell Brodie....they happen to spell it Brodle. The coach went to get this fixed. There was another player who had to have his name fixed as well.
Jenna getting ready to start playing.Creed REALLY wanting to get out on the field and play soccer.Brodie NOT playing soccer, but playing with a whole bunch of other stuff.