Friday night brought our family to Brodie's school program. From what I hear, they do this program every year. I'm not sure if it's a graduation type program or just a dancing and singing program. All the kids did was dance and sing, but with Korea you just never know!!! Now in the good ole US of A, the programs there last around 2 hours....tops! We were thinking much of the same thing. It started at 6 and didn't end until 9. Of course we left post around 5, so lets just say there were two of our three children not having the best time by 8:15. We walked in door around 9:40. We were all spent. We did get some great photos of Brodie who was in three different dances. A lot of the costumes were kind of girly looking, for even the boys, with lots of hearts on them. From what I'm gathering, the Koreans really like hearts. Here are a few pictures.
Brodie's class board with pictures of all the kids.
Brodie's picture.
Brodie's treat box from his teacher. They were these cute little mice!! I didn't want him to open it up to get the candy inside of it!
The stage.You wouldn't see many Americans walking around with this bag!!
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