Monday, June 23, 2008


All I've got to say sucks when you have sick kids. It sucks worse when you're in lodging and have sick kids. Jenna had some bug right before Father's Day. Creed had a bug today and who knows if Brodie will get it, but if I'm willing to bet, I would say yes.

Please say a few prayers that they all get better and stay well. We'll be moving into our new apartment on Friday. I'm ready....well, I can honestly say, I think we're all ready.


buffi said...

Ugh. So sorry. When we were in TLF before out move to England, SugarPlum was almost 3 and got a horrible stomach bug. It was so miserable. Hope everyone is over it SOON!!

buffi said...

Are you in your house now? Okay...apartment? You know I totally admire you. I would never survive in Korea! You ROCK!