Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mimi has arrived!!

Last night Mimi arrived. After a long layover in San Francisco and a very long with about 5 hours of turbulence due to typhoon Man-yi that is over Japan. She made it safe and sound. She's very tired, but glad that she's here.

Today we're going to the water park!! With more adventures to continue!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The New Brodie

Here are a few pictures of Brodie after going to the dentist. He did not like the long car ride. Some of that was due to the fact it was raining and there is ALWAYS traffic in Seoul. The other part is he was hungry. Once we got on post we went to BK and got him some food. He ate it all. Then off to the dentist. There was a delay with the laughing gas as another Dr. was using it. He let them put the thing on his nose and he did great. No cries, whimpers...he laid there, like a brave Soldier (unlike his Daddy, who is a BIG baby when it comes to these things)!!!! He got a few toys before the procedure started. Since he was SO, SO good he got to pick two more toys. I was not surprised at all when he picked out two rings. One for his big sister and one for his Mommy. What a sweet, thoughtful little boy we have.
Showing off his new look. Yes, you can see the hole.

Brodie Cain wearing the exact same expression as his Daddy when he played flag football, at Hicks park in Tulsa. Wearing Number 16.Creed looking like a cutie pie....DO NOT LET THIS LOOK FOOL YOU!!!!

Swimming Lessons

Jenna had her first swimming lesson on Tuesday. She did pretty good, for never had them before. Here are a few pictures.
Jenna floating.

Creed not happy that he can't go in the water with Jenna.Doggy paddle.

The last picture

This is the last picture of Brodie with a full set of teeth, well until he grows up a little bit. Today he goes to the dentist to get his "sick" tooth pulled. We're hoping that he'll do well with this! Wish us luck and a few prayers are always good! =)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Brodie's birthday and the 4th of July

We've had a couple of busy days. Brodie's birthday was a big day! He went to school, came home and played for a bit. Once Daddy got home we had cake, ice cream and presents. Then all three kids went over to one of our friends house while Mommy and Daddy had a Hail and Farewell to go to. Late night for all.

4th of July, well it was pouring rain when we woke up, but in the afternoon it quit. We went to Osan to see the fireworks. It was a good time, but another late night.

"Happy Birthday to Brodie!"

Blowing out the candles

Opening up presents.

One of the last pictures before he goes to the dentist.

If this doesn't SCREAM Happy Birthday America, I don't know what does!!!

Bill and the kids

Bill and the kids..againJenna and Brodie with the dancing "man"Tired, tired boys
Happy Independence Day!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The MEANEST parents ever!!!!!

Today Jenna and I made a little agreement. I would let her listen and dance to her CD that she wanted and once she was finished with that, she would pick up her room without any complaints.

So, I loaded up the CD and she listened to her FAVORITE songs...sung be Raffi. Especially "Down by the bay". She danced and had a very joyful time.

After all of this, she got on the computer, played with her brothers, etc. Basically anything and everything NOT to pick up her room.

While I was making dinner, she was supposed to be picking it up. Dinner came, dinner went. She was sent to her room to PICK IT UP!!

Then the BITCHING AND COMPLAINING started. She can't possibly pick up her room by herself, there was far too much to do. I can go on and on.

I kindly told her that we had made an agreement and she was failing to uphold her part of our agreement. This lead to more complaining.

Her Dad gave her 10 minutes to get the job done. As all of my 5 readers know, it really would only take 5 minutes if you would just get it done. It just doesn't work that way. No matter how many times we explain this to her, she still chooses to ignore these words of wisdom.

I gave her 5 more minutes to get the job done. Then I had it. Bill kept her on the bed while I got the DREADED trash bag. Yes, her things went into the trash bag. Things that she LOVES AND ADORES went into the trash bag. I don't think she will ever get them back. She had a very ugly mouth and paid the price for things that spewed from it.

OH, how much I love that little girl!! She is SO SMART that sometimes I think we forget that she'll just be 6 years old this August. We're aiming for a better day tomorrow. As you know....THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW!! Well, that is true probably in the States, but when you're in the middle of monsoon season, the sun doesn't always come out and it's pouring buckets of rain.