Friday, July 06, 2007

Brodie's birthday and the 4th of July

We've had a couple of busy days. Brodie's birthday was a big day! He went to school, came home and played for a bit. Once Daddy got home we had cake, ice cream and presents. Then all three kids went over to one of our friends house while Mommy and Daddy had a Hail and Farewell to go to. Late night for all.

4th of July, well it was pouring rain when we woke up, but in the afternoon it quit. We went to Osan to see the fireworks. It was a good time, but another late night.

"Happy Birthday to Brodie!"

Blowing out the candles

Opening up presents.

One of the last pictures before he goes to the dentist.

If this doesn't SCREAM Happy Birthday America, I don't know what does!!!

Bill and the kids

Bill and the kids..againJenna and Brodie with the dancing "man"Tired, tired boys
Happy Independence Day!!!

1 comment:

hollibobolli said...

Happy birthday to Brodie - the pics are so cute!!! I think it's cool you all celebrated independence day over there.

Thank you for your kind words - they mean a lot. Big hugs to you.
