Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The New Brodie

Here are a few pictures of Brodie after going to the dentist. He did not like the long car ride. Some of that was due to the fact it was raining and there is ALWAYS traffic in Seoul. The other part is he was hungry. Once we got on post we went to BK and got him some food. He ate it all. Then off to the dentist. There was a delay with the laughing gas as another Dr. was using it. He let them put the thing on his nose and he did great. No cries, whimpers...he laid there, like a brave Soldier (unlike his Daddy, who is a BIG baby when it comes to these things)!!!! He got a few toys before the procedure started. Since he was SO, SO good he got to pick two more toys. I was not surprised at all when he picked out two rings. One for his big sister and one for his Mommy. What a sweet, thoughtful little boy we have.
Showing off his new look. Yes, you can see the hole.

Brodie Cain wearing the exact same expression as his Daddy when he played flag football, at Hicks park in Tulsa. Wearing Number 16.Creed looking like a cutie pie....DO NOT LET THIS LOOK FOOL YOU!!!!

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