Friday, February 23, 2007


Bill has been out at Camp Carroll since Wednesday. Ms. Tina came yesterday instead of Tuesday, my friend Shelina asked me to switch with her. She's done it for me several times. So, Thursday came and Ms. Tina was here. It was a very nice day and I got several things done. Of course when Ms. Tina is here, Creed does NOT take a nap. Needless to say, after getting up at 5:50 am, around 5:00 pm he was a CRABBY MUFFIN!!!!! He didn't want to eat, wanted to take a bath, gave him a bath and then was very upset that he didn't get to stay in with Jenna and Brodie. Needless to say after several hours of crying, Mommy just couldn't take it anymore. He was in bed by 7:00 and asleep shortly after that. He slept all night, but going to bed that early, means getting up early. Up at 5:45 this fine morning. You would think he would have slept in, but NO!! I'm really hoping today he'll take a nap.....a LONG one at that!

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