Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Well, now Jenna and Creed have the bug. Our friends daughter has it as well. We had them over for Mother's Day. Jenna is very distraught with the fact of her being sick. She keeps telling me that she HAS to be better in two days. You see, they have some class pets. One is Susie and she is a dwarf hamster. They just got another class pet, Jenny B and she is a dwarf rabbit. On Friday, it's her turn to feed Jenny B. I told her that I was pretty sure that she wouldn't be going to school tomorrow, but most likely she'll be better by least that's what I'm hoping!!! Say a few prayers for this sickness to be out of our house soon.

I know a few of you are wondering about our move. We're supposed to be up in Seoul on June 9. Bill doesn't have his orders yet. Without these couple of pieces of paper, NOTHING happens!! So, he's talked to a few people telling them our tight timeline. We're hoping he gets them before Friday. If not, then his boss will be making some phone calls on his behalf. So, once I know more, then you'll know more.

Peace out!

1 comment:

buffi said...

Oh, I hope she is all better by Friday! I know how important those little things like feeding the class pet are to them. It's devastating in their little worlds to miss these things.

Healing thoughts & fingers crossed!!