Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yard Sale

Today I had a table at our post "yard" sale. Fummy thing is, there wasn't a yard in sight! We had it in the parking lot right by the thrift store. I guess they were thinking that once it's over for the day, people can unload all of their prized possessions that no one bought. With our moving coming up, I thought I would go and sell some stuff. Well, actually, my friend told me I really should do this instead of just getting rid of it, which is what I was going to do. So much to do, so little time. Well, I'm glad that I went. I made around $70. Now, that is NO WHERE close to what was spent on these fine objects, but it's better than nothing. Maybe now we can get the lap top fixed. The one where one small child of ours decided to pour puzzle glue on top of the keyboard. That way we'll have computer access once our stuff gets picked up on Tuesday. I hope you had a grand Saturday!

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