Monday, February 26, 2007

Our Weekend

I know that I haven't posted in awhile, but not much has really gone on. Saturday we went to this Lunar New Year festival, however, we didn't last long. We thought it would cater to children as they advertised, but Creed wasn't wanting to sit too long and the first part took 30-45 minutes. Needless to say, Bill ended up in the car with him. Once they started serving a Korean lunch, that Jenna was very disappointed that we didn't eat, we left. Brodie was glad that we didn't eat there, not that he would have eaten anything they served. After that I went to my next door neighbors and did a 16 page layout. It was a lot of fun.

After dinner was done, I started not to feel so great. Ended up in bed all day yesterday. I'm feeling much better today. Not sure if it was something I ate or if it was a bug. I do know that my neighbors have been skirting something. Bill has to be the best husband ever!! He took great care of the kids, took care of me (bringing me crackers and checking up on me), emptied the dishwasher, loaded it and picked up the dining room and living room. Also, gave the kids a bath!! I'm so grateful for him!!


Dawn's Daily Journal said...

hope you're feeling better today!!!!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Did you have fun at the cut flower market??? I was soooooo bummed I had to work and couldn't go!! Next week lets get together and do something! I need a Tiki fix!!!
have a great day,