Sunday, August 05, 2007

Yes....finally a post from me

I know it's been FOREVER since I last posted. Well, I really wanted to spend a lot of time with my Mom and she had to leave yesterday. =( I know that she was ready to get back to my Dad and their cute little puppy Chelsea, her own bed and more clothes!! I could have had her here just a little longer, but I'm VERY glad that she was able to come at all.

We went to the water park a few times. We went bowling. We found
e-mart. We went to Osan a few times. We played many, many games of Scrabble in which she kicked my butt all but ONE time...hey that's ok we did have fun. We took the kids to the playground. We ate lots of ice cream. We just really had a ton of fun. I forgot to get the pictures off her camera, so I'll have to wait for her to send them to me.

I have more to post about the "date" Bill and I had at the DMZ and in Osan. Ta ta for now!!

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