Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of School

Today was Jenna's first day of school. She's a big first grader now! She was a little nervous, but I think was comforted once she found out that she knew another little girl in her class. Her teacher is a friend of ours and I think that helped too.
Jenna and Brodie ready for school.

Brodie with a big grin on his face.Jenna ready for her big day!Jenna walking to school. I know it looks foggy, but it's just the lens going from a cold place (our apartment) to a really hot and steamy place (outside!).

Creed acting like a pirate. Aaargh!


hollibobolli said...

She looks so cute with her hair up like that!! I'm glad she ended up knowing someone in her class - that always helps.

Brodie makes an excellent pirate!

Bobbie aka Mimi of 3 said...

I love the pirate picture. Tell him that Mimi says ARGHHHHH right back. Jenna's hair does look cute, but still reminds me of Mrs. Shrek. And there's nothing quite like Brodie's smile ...